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Kathi 03-04-2019 13:55:23
Content marketing is extremely important for increasing your website traffic as well as your SEO rankings. Right now, the major search engines are looking at how long visitors are spending on your site to decide how to rank your site.

It is extremely important to have QUALITY blog posts that are interesting to read and add value to your site. As my experience has shown, poor quality spun articles will get you nowhere.

I have been involved in the vape market for the past 7 years and know pretty much everything about it, including all the major vape companies, e-juice brands, vape mods, nicotine salts, vape laws and more.

With this service, I will write up articles for your blog. I recommend that you keep your article titles relatively broad instead of focusing too much on individual products. Each piece will be conversational, well-researched and fun to read.

Simply send me your article titles and leave everything else to me.

Frequently Asked Questions

I need more than 10 articles.

You can order multiple packages or I could send you a custom offer, whichever works best for you.

What makes you a good writer?

My knowledge of the vape industry is what gives me an unparalleled advantage over other writers who have no experience in this field. Instead of writing the bare basics about the vape market, I can also write very critical and in-depth pieces.

Can you help me to come up with the topics?

Absolutely. Just send me your site and tell me a bit more about your business and I will put together some prospective titles.

How do I choose my blog titles?

I would recommend that you do not choose very broad article titles such as what is vaping because it will be very difficult to rank this article on the search engines due to the high keyword competition. Try to stick to more specialised titles such as nicotine salts guide.

Why is content important for my blog?

Each piece of content or each article translates into more visitors. More quality content equals to more visitors.
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Good Afternoon

I am writing to you to introduce my freelance vape seo services. I specialise in creating quality vape-related links to rank vape-related sites on search engines such as Google. I work with 50 of the leading vape shops, e-juice brands and wholesalers and now I have decided to take the same package that we provide to clients via an agency and offer it ten times cheaper on Fiverr.

Please take a look at the package and if it is of interest, please feel free to order it from

Thank you for your time.

Kind regards

Lea 11-05-2019 03:55:05
Content marketing is extremely important for increasing your website traffic as well as your SEO rankings. Right now, the major search engines are looking at how long visitors are spending on your site to decide how to rank your site.

It is extremely important to have QUALITY blog posts that are interesting to read and add value to your site. As my experience has shown, poor quality spun articles will get you nowhere.

I have been involved in the vape market for the past 7 years and know pretty much everything about it, including all the major vape companies, e-juice brands, vape mods, nicotine salts, vape laws and more.

With this service, I will write up articles for your blog. I recommend that you keep your article titles relatively broad instead of focusing too much on individual products. Each piece will be conversational, well-researched and fun to read.

Simply send me your article titles and leave everything else to me.

Frequently Asked Questions

I need more than 10 articles.

You can order multiple packages or I could send you a custom offer, whichever works best for you.

What makes you a good writer?

My knowledge of the vape industry is what gives me an unparalleled advantage over other writers who have no experience in this field. Instead of writing the bare basics about the vape market, I can also write very critical and in-depth pieces.

Can you help me to come up with the topics?

Absolutely. Just send me your site and tell me a bit more about your business and I will put together some prospective titles.

How do I choose my blog titles?

I would recommend that you do not choose very broad article titles such as what is vaping because it will be very difficult to rank this article on the search engines due to the high keyword competition. Try to stick to more specialised titles such as nicotine salts guide.

Why is content important for my blog?

Each piece of content or each article translates into more visitors. More quality content equals to more visitors.
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Should I send over some industry-specific samples?

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This is the opportunity you have been waiting for.

Pull the trigger now on an explainer video from the best in the business. Do it while we are running our “best pricing ever” campaign and save thousands of dollars.

This campaign happens once in a blue moon.

Well, that’s not exactly true, but it has never happened before - and I don’t suppose we will run this promotion again - hence the “best pricing ever”

My name is Alex Cohen and I look forward to working with you to create a game changing explainer and marketing video for you. Something that will be an unquestionable business asset.

Email me back for some samples.

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Can I help create an email marketing plan for growth of your site and business?


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Michel 13-06-2020 04:18:06

I wanted to invite you to our webinar today.

To approve your seat, for the Live webinar from Carol Bell & Michel de Bakker for today 11:00 AM in Eastern Time (US and Canada), sent us an email to

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Adding video to your website has become an absolute MUST. Even something basic that clearly defines exactly what it is you're offering & why work with your company vs competitors...

My team, based out of Toronto, Canada, creates quality animated explainer videos. Our award-winning videos are proven to increase customer engagement and decrease user bounce rate.

Email me back for some explainer video samples, pricing, or just to say hi!

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I reached out several months ago about how explainer videos help and the unique issues they solve.
My team has created thousands of marketing videos including dozens in your field.

As you know, Google is constantly changing its SEO algorithm. The only thing that has remained consistent is that adding an explainer video increases website rank and most importantly keeps customers on your page for longer, increasing conversions ratios.

Simplify your pitch, increase website traffic, and close more business.
Should I send over some industry-specific samples?

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Mike 26-07-2020 19:03:15
Your website and business look great and both seem well established but I could help you with designing new elements for your website which will make it more presentable.

I am messaging you today to compliment your business + to give you a heads up about the unreasonably low pricing I am charging (for a limited time) to new clients interested in my graphic design services.

Reply back to say Hi, ask to see my portfolio, or check out my site.

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My name is John, I am the founder of VidYourBiz. I wanted to reach out to wish you more success in your business and to make sure you know just how vital video is for the growth of your business, as well as to share some information about what we can do to help you satisfy your video needs.

Video is ever-growing because it's the best way to quickly and concisely relay information to your audience. In fact, web pages with video converts up to 80% more often so every business needs to be utilizing video in their day to day businesses.

That's where I believe our team at VidYourBiz can be a great help in unlocking your business' maximum potential with video.

Reply me back for some samples, pricing, or just to say hi!

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Tara 08-11-2020 10:32:14

Did you know?

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My name is Tara, and I am the founder of VidYourBiz. I'll get straight to the point because I know your time is valuable. It is evident video is king when it comes to delivering content (of any kind) to your audience, and that's why I am contacting you today.

My Agency, VidYourBiz, specializes in creating unique professional videos (for all business types). Just take a couple minutes of your time when you can and check out our services- you'll see just what kind of video production we can do for you, that we can do it quickly, and economically...

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